This is a tremedous resources to help you keep up with the spiritual needs of those who live around you. Check out the website at https://blesseveryhome.com |  (Video) How do we keep TCPM on track? What is the measurement of success for every individual, group, church and network? |  (Video) How does a exponential growth curve with 25% success compare to a addition growth curve with 25% success? |
 (Video) Rethinking Church by Francis Chan. What do we really need to start a church? What did does the Bible tell us we need? |  (PDF) What is the difference between training and educating a person? What is the final exam for each? |  (PDF) What do we mean by Transformation? What does the Bible say about it? |
 (Video) Creating a learning covenant for making disciples. The "why" and "how." |  The first half of the Book of John Ch. 1-12 explained with illustrations. Want to see more?
www.thebibleproject.com |  The second half of the Book of John Ch. 13-21 explained with illustrations. Want to see more? www.thebibleproject.com |
 (Video) What are the right ingredients to produce transformation? |  (PDF) What does accountability look like? Who are the people I need to hold me accountable? What is a flat spot? |  (Video) What does Jesus tell us about transformation from the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13)? |
 (Video) A way to reach the word in 37 years. |  (video) #NoPlaceLeft is a movement of movements aimed at getting to no place left where Christ is not made known in our generation. |  On a napkin in less than 5 minutes you can share the Gospel. 3 Circles is an easy way to share you faith with others. |
 How to share your faith with a napkin, a pen, and 5 minutes. |
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